Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Today we wandered around D.C.

It was hot and sticky. So glad I didn't bring a jumper, but I wish I had worn shorts (I thought I'd have to dress respectably to go through the whitehouse but this didn't happen so I was stuck in black pants. Joyous..

I love seeing the history and culture of the place. (my political bones were excitable).

Unfortunately I only got to see the outisde of the whitehouse (from quite a distance away) because you have to have permission granted 6months in advance! So that wasn't happening!

I liked the Washington Monument and the pretty water features.

Upsetting that I couldn't sit on Lincoln's lap. :(Not only want he far larger than I was expecting, but he was also corded off.

For some reason I had this image in my head whereby I was standing in the awe from the hisory of the place. I could just suck it all up through my senses, you know?
I didn't count on the fact that there were tourists crawling all over the place.
There was rubbish all over and I couldn't even find anything suggestig Martin Luther King did his "I have a dream" speech there! :(

In the distance I saw the Capitol (their govenment buildings). That looks nifty, and I'm hoping to check it out tomorrow...

The traffic in D.C is scary. So glad I wasn't driving. It reminded me of what I see in movies about NYC. Chaos everywhere and a lot of inconsiderate drivers. Not to mention the lack of signs. (we got quite lost...)

The parking meters around the area are kind of expensive (7.5mins per 25cents), and 2 of the 3 we tried were broken...

We put our alarm on so that we could have time to get back to the car. Okay plan, except we got lost and couldn't find the car. By the time we'd found it we had a parking ticket.... yay.

We tried to find another place to park but even with the GPS the place was crazy and it was very expensive. Not only that but streets the GPS suggested were corded off! Gah!

I looooove the GPS on my phone though. It tells me where everything is! If I want to go to a movie theatre, or a park or a parking lot... Also it's helped us from getting lost, which is an added bonus!

Thank you everyone who has left comments. :) It is nice to see that I'm not talking to myself. ;)

I'm going to have a little rest and then, the movies! Woo!

here are today's D.C photos :)


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